Oenanthe silaifolia
author | Bieb. |
family | Apiaceae |
dutch name | Weidekervel-torkruid |
Photo from book: 1558A
label | value |
site | Amsterdam [map] |
appendage | base of the style |
pappus | absent |
plantpart | Fruitlet |
length | 5.7 |
width | 1.5 |
Photo from book: 1558B
label | value |
site | Amsterdam [map] |
appendage | base of the style |
pappus | absent |
plantpart | Fruitlet |
length | 5.7 |
width | 1.4 |
Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA – RUG)
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) – Berlin